Welcome to my blog! My name is Robert A. Alejandro - I like calling myself "the sketching backpacker", that's because I LOVE to draw and sketch and I especially like doing this during my travels.
I make sure that I keep a day or two (or more) for sketching when I travel. When I look at my drawings, I clearly remember when and how the drawing was made (usually sitting on some uncomfortable sidewalk)! I encourage EVERYONE to bring a small sketchbook and do a bit of art and sketching while they travel (you can also put all sorts of ephemera like tickets and pressed flowers)!
Now to the One World One Heart 2011 blog event! It really is VERY SIMPLE! First of all, this is open to ALL BLOGGERS WORLDWIDE (it's a super way to see blogs from ALL over the world)! All you have to do is LEAVE A COMMENT on this post! Please include in your post a way for me to contact you (an email address?) just in case you are chosen to win the PRIZE!
Which brings me to the prize I am giving away this year: My Book about my backpack trip in Southeast Asia! This is special because the book is already out of print and this is the first edition! The book is full of my drawings and so I hope the winner enjoys it!
The winner will be chosen by a random number genarator and this will be announced on February 17!
So what are you waiting for and leave a comment! :-)
Hi Kuya Robert! Yes, I call you Kuya Robert because I always remember you as a very creative and passionate TV icon.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful artwork. In this time of digital age, it is of rare chance that some artists like express themselves in traditional platforms such as sketching. I honestly salute you for that.
I hope you continue inspiring the youth. Even I, who doesn't know much about drawing, is truly amazed with your authentic taste and artistic prowess. Keep up the good work!More power!
My name is Earvs.
email is ecabalquinto@gmail.com
I reside in Brunei Darussalam
hi sir robert! you never fail to inspire me with your stories and sketches. you're really an inspiration. i am a desperate blog writer. kahit super wrong grammar, go parin! ma-express ko lang thoughts ko. continue to inspire others! :)
your passion for travel is such an inspiration!... - Evar Rafael evarrafael@yahoo.com
seeing your works has always been a treat. I admire your talent and thank you for sharing it to us. God Bless!
i'm a fan since probe team, nice sketches and art works.
hi, i've been a follower of your blog and your work (i grew up with papemelroti stationery!) forever. i also have your book--the sketching backpacker. like you i love to sketch and to travel (but can't afford the latter much!).
i love arts and crafts, and books so i'm a huge fan of yours. hope you'll continue teaching kids about art which is also my dream.
this is my blog:
thanks and Godspeed,
Hi Robert. I cannot forget seeing some of your sketches and doodles while we were still in grade school. It was obvious back then that you had a God-given talent in capturing what we see in life and transferring them onto paper in your unique style. Our UPES yearbook is chuck-full of your sketches so one day it would also be valuable. (It might already be valuable at this point in time.) Thank you so much for sharing this talent with all of us. God bless.
Nice piece of work Kuya Robert.
You are really an inspiration for every Filipino youth!!
MaryJane De Guzman
wow nice book and drawings. i like to own one. :)
It is so great to look at all the masterpieces you created. Brings back the child in me. Keep it up and be my inspiration!
Hello Kuya Robert! I really loved your book and I gave my copy away to a friend who's a backpacker. I hope I win so I can get a copy with your autograph. I saw this book at my dentist's office and it is autographed. ^_^
I hope to go to other places as well. Thank you for the book. ^_^
Amazing sketches indeed!
I love your blog 24/7
Traveling is one of my lofty dreams in life. And I admire that you are able to sketch while traveling. Actually I have a number of cute notebooks, but they don't serve as my sketchbooks but rather ideas notepad. I try to jot down inspiring ideas and unique thoughts I can remember while commuting, while in school and stuff.
Do keep up what you are doing, it takes a lot of determination and passion in taking actions for your dreams :)
Madelyn Ebro
I love the fact that you inspire people :) With the sketches that you make, i know that every stroke you make means something heavy. So that being said. More power Robert! :)
The name is Mac.
I love your book kuya Robert:) and the blog too! Thanks for sharing your art to the world! God bless! :)
I love this, hope I win. I often doodle, too. :) It's a great idea to sketch the places you've been at. Wee! Love Kuya Robert! :)
Kim Palanca
cool book, cool promo! :)
HELLO! the sketching backpacker, kuya Robert :)
I really like Art and every time I see your creations, it makes me feel inspired.
hi sketching backpacker:)
i love your works and thanks for sharing!
Keep up the good work..
charmaigne grace gepana
you're very creative and inspiring!
Godbless you!
ronie joy gepana
Hi Mr. Roberts,
Please do continue to inspire us with your works, you're doing the country a whole lot of good.:)
My name is Ma. Blanca Dela Cruz
email is : ma.blancadelacruz@yahoo.com
I reside here in Cavite
hello!!! i really liked your artworks... you inspired me in all your artworks...
i'm donna...
here's my email...
i'm from philippines
It would be an honor to own one copy of that book!!!
I wish I could travel as much as you but yeah, Im still a student so....
I would just travel through your book.... hopefully.
Keep it up sire! :)
Hi! I also love to draw and to travel, and I think you're doing something cool!
Hi Robert!
Thank you for sharing with your passion and talent. Continue to inspire us with your travel thoughts and artsy stuffs. More power po!
Email: voidkah23[at]gmail[dot]com
I've always wanted to sketch during my travels. I bring with me a Moleskine notebook all the time. Alas, I'm only good at writing and my drawings are pretty much limited to stick figures :( I would really love to get a hold of your book... It seems pretty interesting, just what I've always wanted to do! Congrats on your book!
Hi Kuya Robert! I like your art and your promo. My email is sadiarin_ejm@yahoo.com. Regards and more power!
aww, I don't have blogger account here. But I really admire you kuya robert/ SIR! You have accomplished a lot and it made me really inspired.
Ps: Hope to win one of your book. Yiee *cross fingers* Keep it up kuya! :D
I'm gonna leave my email here. Ninskie_Jha@yahoo.com
or my blog site on tumblr http://thebananaproject.tumblr.com/
Thanks! :D
what a cool gift!
visit me at 49-lori diane
Wow, what a special prize! I'd love to win your book :) Please enter my name into your draw! And pop over to my blog and enter mine, too, if you haven't done so already!
Greetings from Germany,
Dagmar #88
Hi Robert,
Great drawings -- and you are so right about taking a sketchbook along, especially on a trip. :)
Thanks for offering such a wonderful prize -- as all the others, I would certainly treasure your book.
Greetings from Munich,
# 66
i'm delighted to have stumbled via owoh on your blog and will be spending considerable time wandering around it. would love to receive your book but just finding your work is a treat
HI! What a gorgeous gift! Please, count me in!
Hope that you'll join in my giveaway ♥
Great giveaway!!
Hi Robert
Nice to meet you.
First I took the time to discover your blog and i've browsed a while through your earlier posts.
I must say...I'm glad I did !!
Loved your Paris sketch book too !!
About your giveaway; It would be a present to treasure so please draw my name !!
Kind greetings Rian from the Netherlands.
Wow! Now that is a door prize:D Your work is amazing! My fingers are crossed so please enter me for a chance...
Hugs from snowy New Hampshire USA
Beth P
I'd love to own you're lovely book. Please enter my name.
Stop by my blog to win a crazy polymer clay face bracelet.
Thanks so much,
Hi Robert,
Your drawings are awesome and I would love to win your book. Please enter my name in your drawing.
Hailing you from sunny Arizona USA. I've enjoyed visiting your blog and learning about you and your art. I hope you’ll visit my blog and signup to win my prizes. Laura
You are very talented! I'd love to win your book. I will have to wander around your world a bit longer as well. Come have a gander at mine, if you'd like. I'm found at http://www.dandelionladyseeds.blogspot.com
i'm envious! hope to win!
Thank you for being apart of the OWOH journey!
WOW. I would love to see the world from your eyes (and hands!). Grabe, it's my ultimate dream to live the backpacking lifestyle. Inggit! :)
Dani Austria
What a terrific prize you are giving away! Please enter me in your draw. I really enjoyed looking around your blog!
connie from kauai, hawaii
You make fantastic sketches. I wish I could travel as much as you do. Keep up the good work!
Hi Robert,I hope you having fun with the owoh giveaway, I know I am :)
I would love a chance to win your lovely prize.
Micki x (number 207)
I would love to read your book about backpacking trip. Please include me in your drawing.
Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. I've enjoyed it so much over the years. Thanks for your generosity and participation in the event. Count me in please.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
Wow, what a great prize, would love to be in with a chance.
My other half and I travel a lot, he sketshes and I art- journal whenever we can, so I would adore to see your book.
Greetings from bonny Scotland
Great giveaway!
Greetings from Canada.
Come visit me at #336 - Shimmer and Tulle.
What a fun adventure you get to live!
Happy OWOH! Nice to meet you :)
How exciting to travel so much and capture your adventures in your sketch book! Thank you for this great giveaway! I hope you get a chance to enter mine, too! #357 jinglesells at gmail dot com
That is amazing. Not just your .travels, but that you actually did that all beautiful drawing.
Please I would love a chance of winning that amazing book.
Yea! So glad to be here. You have an awesome blog! Come check mine out sometime. Thanks for entering me!
Hi again from the UK - i found you last year and started following your blog. I'm thrilled your having a giveaway again this year and would love a chance to rifle through a first edition. Your drawings are so beautiful! Please do count me in and enjoy OWOH x
INTERESTING! I'd love to win. Please enter me in the drawing.
Always draw while travelling (if I can manage to find a scrap of paper) problem is finding the drawing later in by handbag LOL!
Anyhows, Great to meet & greet you, my name is Shelle I'm from Sunshine Coast Australia & I'm thrilled at the opportunity One World One Heart has given me to fly around the virtual World!!!! WOOOOO!!
Now back to enjoying this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :)
I can't draw for beans but like looking at what others can do!
What a great, art-y and personal gift you are offering. I just purchased a small sketch book and maybe reading your blog will help me get over the fear of putting a mark on the first page. It's so blank! Would you please enter my name for a chance to win this lovely giveaway? Thanks, Norma (95)
Hallo Robert, nice to meet you
Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
This is really awesome, your own book wow. Your sketches look great.
Please count me in.
Come visit me on my blog,I join the OWOH- event too.
Regards from Germany and happy OWOH
Hallo Robert, nice to meet you
Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
This is really awesome, your own book wow. Your sketches look great.
Please count me in.
Come visit me on my blog,I join the OWOH- event too.
Regards from Germany and happy OWOH
I would love to have this special book in my collection!
Please stop by my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway also! I'm #590.
hoerauf at comcast dot net
What an amazing gift! I love to travel and to journal..but need to add art to my journals! This would inspire me! Thank you! I hope you'll visit me, too! I'm # 389 !
Wow. I'm lucky to have stumbled across this post. Hope I win that book. I'm wishing to backpack all over the World one day. :)
Bilib po ako sa mga katulad nyong may talent sa pag drawing!!!
Robert, what a wonderful prize you are offering! My husband and I went to Thailand for our honeymoon, and I fell absolutely in love. I began to wish that I had had more time to explore other places in southeast Asia and hope to when our children are older and would remember the trip. Your artwork is just fantastic.
Thanks for the chance to win! I am keeping my fingers crossed!
Oh I am green with envy. I have always wanted to travel, but we cannot afford those kinds of expenses right now.
I was quite surprised to read your post as I have been doodling and sketching everywhere I go, but not as beautifully as yours though.
Your work is very inspiring. If I should win your book, I plan to give it to my son who needs a little inspiration right now.
Robert, after reading about you, it would be my honor to own this special book. Please add me to the drawing and if time permits, check out number 92. I'm a sculptor.
I enjoyed my visit here today and your book sounds like a lovely thing to have. You draw beautifully and I can only imagine the freedom to travel and capture it with pen and paper, awesome. Please visit my blog for my giveaway if you have time
I would be so pleased to read about your adventures....
Greetings from France; do pop over to my blog, too.
I love to travel, so what a neat prize.Please enter my Irish giveaway at#678
What an interesting give away You have ! I have enjoyed visiting your blog.
Thanks for participating in
One World One Heart
check out my blog
Interesting book, love Asia, so hope i win.
Nice to meet you,
greetings from Finland;-))m
*451* OWOH
leikkaan AT gmail.com
Hi Robert, so lovely to meet you! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win your wonderful book:-) I always admire anyone who can sketch like that, I can barely draw a stick figure! lol
Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven’t done so already!!
Hugs, PEA from Canada xox
Amazing giveaway, your book looks wonderful. It would be lovely to follow in your footsteps through the pages of your book.
So very nice to meet you... I am having so much fun reading all the wonderful blogs..
Please enter my name in your lovely drawing
Bonnie in Florida
Blogs Southern Style #566 and Nanbon's Corner #567 USA
You've tremendous talent and if I had your talent, I'd sketch as well. I do sketch but it looks more like chicken tracks -smile-. Doesn't stop me though but it does slow me down a bit.
Congratulations on having a book published, what a wonderful accomplishment. Thanks also for the opportunity to win.
Please, visit Thistle Cove Farm when you've time.
OooO, I would love to win! I like to see what others create, and this is pretty cool.
goodasgoldie at yahoo dot com
This is a lovely giveaway! fernandez.gen@gmail.com
Hi Robert, I can relate to your love of sketching on the go, it is available, easy to carry an very rewarding result wise. I would love winning your book, maybe a signed edition if possible?
Hello from Ohio! Nice meeting you and getting to know your blog! The giveaway is great!I love your designs!
gabriela #439
lookslike you are leading a very interesting life doing something you love! would love to win some of your art, please throw my name in.
Hi Robert!
I would love to win your book and live vicariously through you and your drawings of your travels! What an exciting prize! I do hope I win!
Thank you and please visit my blog when you get a chance!
I am joining again. please please please let me win already. haha
Hi Robert, I would so enjoy your book! How wonderful to be able to draw what you see
cathyguitarteacer-77 at yahoo.com
Would love to have your book. You and your art inspires people very much. :)
Cool idea for a giveaway!
I hope you'll visit my blog,
ART of Humungous Proportions!
Cheers ~
OWOH #602
This looks like an amazing book, I would love to spend time browsing it!
What a fabulous giveaway, and one I'd love to win!
carylsrealm at yahoo dot com
Caryl OWOH #270
Hola Alejandro!!
Your giveaway is so beautiful!!! I would love to win something so special! I love drawing and see other's drawings, so this prize is really wonderful!!
Thanks for the chance to win :D
Come to enter my giveaway if you have time! (my prizes are too girly but if a gentleman win, I could offer another option)
Hugs !!
i would love to read your book (as would my daughters, i'm sure!)
please come visit my blog #30 on the list~
warm hugs & blessings from Montana!
OH sooo very cool! I think I remember you from last year, i would love your book, especially since I never get to travel. Please include me in your drawing and come visit me #209.
Thanks and be well,
Susan (Pieces of Fate)
Oh my goodness Robert, what a generous and personal giveaway! Your sketches are amazing!
Please enter me in your draw and come on over to my blog #348 and toss your name in the hat if you wish. Thanks!
Love what you have chosen for us. Everyone can use a good read. I'm number 11 and hope you drop by.
A very interesting prize!
binafan at hotmail dot com
Great prize. Id love to own it.
My blog! Not much yet. New to bloggin :)
What a fun prize! The sketches look amazing! Please enter me and I hope you'll stop by my blog for a visit too!
Naked Heart Art
OWOH #217
Drawings when in Aisa! How Superb!
I would love to win it!
Please come to my Blog to win a real crystal ball!
Be well & wish well,
How wonderful to travel and sketch! Your book looks fascinating and beautiful.
Thank you for participating in OWOH 2011. Pop by my blog, #51, if you get a chance.
hugs from ON, Canada
Hello it is nice to meet you. I have enjoyed your blog and your sketching.
I've been wanting to buy this but look! An opportunity to win this :D
My name is Janynne Sese
E-mail is janynne.sese@gmail.com
Flying in from One World One Heart! :)
Great to meet you Robert! I would love to win your book, this looks so interesting! I'm such a dunce when it comes to sketching but so admire this talent in others!
If you haven't already, you're welcome to visit my OWOH post anytime!
Happy Blog Discovery!
Oh you have such a wonderful blog and great give away! I shall have to keep my fingers crossed for the lovely sketches. Visit me too #220 needlewings at mac.com
Hello from Oregon! Thanks for inviting me to peek around in your blog and enter your giveaway! What a great idea. I would love to have your book.
Feel free to come to my blog, look around and enter my giveaway for some homemade cards.
:) Gale
What an awesome giveaway!! Please sign me up! I've been bitten by the travel bug too so would LOVE to read about your travels and see all your gorgeous sketches.
Please check out my blog too to see my OWOH giveaway.
Seattle WA
What a gorgeous giveaway.
Carol H.
oooh, how can you spare the original?! come see my falling ladies!
This would be a treasure! I love to sketch,I love to travel, and I love to look at the sketchbooks of other artists!! Thanks for counting me in! raena922atyahoodotcom
I carry a sketchbook in my purse at all times! Love it!
Carolyn Kight from Michigan, USA
email: cmkights@tc3net.com
Another email: carolynleekight@gmail.com (I like this one the best.)
Your work is fabulous! Love your sketches. So nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. Enjoy the rest of OWOH. Kim (No. 724)
It's so much fun to visit all different blogs and get to 'know' people from all over the world! So glad you played along with OWOH too - and make me discover your blog! And wow, you're a real artist!!! I was a backpacker in India when I was (much ;) younger but I didn't draw... (got lots of photos though) Your drawings are much more special then photos! I would be thrilled if my name gets pulled out of your magic hat! Love from the Netherlands, Marit (OWOH#501)
marit [at] maritspaperworld [dot] com
Hello from Canada Robert! I love the look of your sketches and I love your philosophy. I carry a sketch book with me too.
I hope you can stop by and say Hi-
Sketching about your trips is a great idea. I would like to see more of your book =)
Earl Cuesta
Hello from Navada! I love your giveaway! Please count me in! Thank you!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Keisha
Hello from Ohio. I too love to travel and make mental images of the colors of the places I've been to use them in my art later on.
dot #599
i want to be a sketching doctor -slash- backpacker too!!! Life is short!!! ;D abi david (abscidi@yahoo.com)
Hi Robert. I would love the chance to win your wonderful artwork book. Please can you enter me into your draw.
Hello from wonderful wild Wyoming. I certainly enjoyed visiting your blog and learning a little about you. Love your giveaway...what a fun little book. Please enter me.
(stampgram AT yahoo DOT com )
If you have a moment stop by and enter my giveaways too.
# 385 http://stampgram.blogspot.com
# 132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home
Love it...sooo creative.
hi kuya robert! i'm a fan of yours since your art-is-kool days..:) i'm also an avid supporter & fan of papemelroti. I always admire you for being a creative artist, traveler and an inspiration to all.
I'm just like you..i love to travel, sketch/draw, take pictures & collect items from the different places i've been. You're such an inspiration.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent and experiences thru your artworks and thru papemelroti.
It's an honor knowing you (not personally :) ). More Power! Continue to inspire! God Bless!
Camille Gamis
It is so wonderful to meet you and visit your little part of Blogland. I absolutely adore your giveaway and would love the opportunity to be a part of it. Happy OWOH. Please do drop in during your journey.
Wishes and Whimsy
Wendy from Wonderland
Thank you for for offering this beautiful gift and thank you for the chance to win. Your hard work really shows!
Wow what a lovely giveaway! Please add me to the list !Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Excellent! Happy OWOH to you!
If you get the chance, stop by and say hi--I'm OWOHing, too!
trishatoo at hotmail dot com
I am a fan of your works and Papemelroti. I would love to win this one. Thank you for this opportunity. :)
Please continue the great art works. :)
What an unique and delightful giveaway. I love reading about other people's travels
chocolate and croissants at yahoo .com
Please stop by California.
I would love to win your book!!! your sketches are so lovely and so are your travels!
hello from Thailand! It's great to see Kababayans here in OWOH!
I just saw your Paris sketches on your previous posts and they're amazing!! I would try to do that next time when I travel, bring a small sketchbook and document by sketching..:) Thanks!
Here's my OWOH post..please click here.. :)
laetriciajaniel (at) gmail (dot) com
Hello! Nice to meet you! My name is Teri and I've been blogging
since December 2010. I love to scrapbook and create altered art
jewelry. Your blog is very nice. Please stop by mine! Thanks for
sharing your blog. Have fun on your blog travels.
I would love to be entered in your wonderful drawing, If you get a chance I am #809 on the OWOH tour.
I would adore this. I also have an art journal that I love to have with me wherever I go. It makes me happy and I've learned a lot about myself through art journaling.
Anyhow...I would love a copy of your art journal. I hope I win!!
really nice. We love travelling too.
Please enter me. melandriaromero(at)gmail(dot)com
Mabuhay! Your art is amazing!! It's been great to see so many other kababayans participating in OWOH!
Please come by my blog (#462) to check out my giveaways! Thank you!
very cool prize. please count me in. you can reach me at
take care
Your sketches are wonderful, Robert! I would love to have your book. Thanks for counting me in. When you have a chance, please come visit my OWOH, if you haven't already. I'm #48 - Jerusalem Notes - Fiberwork by Debbie http://debbiesfiberwork.blogspot.com
Cool and very interesting artwork. A good collection and interest. As a blogger, I intend to take pictures!
Cool Idea - Fabulous Giveaway - please include me and do come and visit my blog and enter mine too –if you haven’t already – I am #139 - I will be back for a more leisurely look around your blog after the event :-) – Cheers Britt in Australia
Hello Kuya!
I am so glad that you have decided to share your very creative travel book. As a student, I always get bored with those repetitive stuff - studying, listening to the teacher , etc. I have always a dream in my mind to travel-explore and learn in a very unique way bec. I believe the more unique the experience is,the more it'll mark in you mind most.
I always believe in the power of traveling as it refreshes your mind and create a colorful and meaningful chapter of your life.
Your sketched are wonderful -- I'd love to read your book :)Please enter my name into your draw -- thank you so much!
~martha (#384)
(from Toronto :)
Hi Robert, wow, what an awesome gift to offer as your give away. I hope I'm the lucky winner! I carry with me a small pad and doodle on it more than sketch, since I'm not that good at it...but I do try from time to time. Your book will be an inspiration to us all.
Bright blessings,
what a cool way to document your trip! Winning this could make me feel as if I also got to see the places you went to.
the passion and excitement of every line. :)
keep it up kuya!
btw, im marj. (margielynvidamo@gmail.com)
sali ako! hehe
great giveaway!!!! :)
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I'm Polinka from France
come visit me too:
polinka_scrap @ yahoo.fr
Lovely work:) Please put my name in the hat for a chance of winning.
Robert, Greetings from Canada! You blew me away with your sketching - I especially love the Paris Sketching and the architectural buildings. Thanks for sharing your artwork. Come and visit my blog at MDW's Love #548.
wow, robert! i love your artwork and am impressed by your prolific abilities! please enter me in the drawing and stop by my blog and enter mine!
thank you for the opportunity to get to know your work better and for the chance to own a little piece of your world through OWOH!
joe in montana
Wow.. that's very interesting.. hope I win the book =)
I'd love a chance to enter your wonderful giveaway!
Thanks so much :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
From the Florida Gulf Coast
I am entering for my daughter Melanie, she had wanted to participate in this year's event, but a fire changed her plans... I thought I would surprise her and do this for her..
Visit the site I set up for her on my blog #579.. and enter her name in the contest, thank You
Oh my gosh, you have a new fan...your sketches are amazing. I would be thrilled to win your book!
Hello Robert...Greetings from Ipswich, MA USA. I live north of Boston Massachusetts.
I'd love love to win your wonderful book with your drawings from your backpack trip in Southeast Asia. How awesome.
Please enter my name in the OWOH drawing.
I'd also be pleased if you have a chance to visit my blog and have a look around. If you are the winner I have a cool unisex bracelet I can substitute for you instead of my shabby chic denim necklace.
Hugs...Linda L
email: Azurlin@gmail.com
Hey Robert, I don't think there's anything better than to be able to open a book, full of notes, sketches and ephermera, and re-live those travel memories from months or even years ago, as if it were yesterday. Cheers! ~Michelle, OWOH #598
Hello! I'm so glad I found One World One Heart and was able to visit your blog! I'm pretty new to the blogging world and I love seeing the different ways of blogging. I hope you will check out my blog and maybe find something useful there. I'd love to be entered for your door prize, thanks for adding my name to the list!
Hi Robert. It is so very nice to meet you. Your book sounds very interesting. I would love to read about your travels in Southeast Asia.
I would also love for you to hop on over to my blog for a visit. I am #78 on the OWOH participant list.
What an amazing giveaway!!
Hi Kuya, I would love to win your book. How sweet! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.
Always wonderful to carry a sketchbook, to observe your surroundings. You obviously are a very talented artist. Please visit BonsaiHabits.blogspot.com #875
A warm hello from a cold and snow covered Massachusetts. Robert, I am impressed with all you have accomplished. I love the idea of sketching our journeys and your book is wonderful. Art keeps me centered and I try to do something creative each day. I hope I'm instilling that same passion in our children. Blessings in the journey, Rebecca #393
I love books, so does my DH, especially travel books, and I know he would really appreciate this one as well. Thank you so much for the chance of winning something so special. Liz (831)
Nice to meet you. Would love to win your book and now I'm off to look around your blog. Stop by and say hello, #651.
I love this door prize idea - brilliant! I always find myself sketching when I travel. One notices the environment around so much more when trying to capture the small details. Either that or I'm always seeing things through my camera lens.
I hope you get a chance to visit my OWOH posts as well - I'm #865 and #866.
I just realized I don't have a copy of this yet! Pick me :D
Hope you can join in my goodie giveaways as well! :)
calejbitsvyk at gmail dot com
calej d'art
Hello po! :) You're creations are great and I'm amazed. Well, sana ako makakuha ng masterpiece mo hihi ;) It's my first time to see and visit your blog and nung makita ko ang mga drawings mo feeling ko bumabalik ako sa nakaraan na puro black and white ang mga pictures and I feel relaxed when I see it. Well, I'm hoping to have one and be part of my collections. My birthday is coming and sana kahit ito man lang makuha ko :). Hehe! Have a BLESSED day!
Your's truly,
Email: elesjay_ph@yahoo.com
Such a wonderful giveaway! You are very talented indeed:-) I would be honored to participate.
Two Thumbs up!
Amaryllis Chua
What a fab giveaway, I'd love a nosey through your sketchbook. Thank you for the chance to win.
Please feel free to drop by my OWOH post too :)
OWOH #365
What a nifty prize! I've only recently started sketching in my travel journal, but I really enjoy it and it makes the journal more interesting to read later on, after the trip. Your sketches are much better than mine, though!
herebebooks at gmail dot com
Greetings from southern California. Love your amazing giveaway. Please add me to your hat. I'm flying in during the final hours of OWOH. Thank you and cheers!http://sewingthroughthemuck.blogspot.com/
Loving this OWOH and meeting everyone. Come by for a visit www.beckoningoflife.blogspot.com Leslie
I'm late, I'm late, this blog hopping is great fun, but I am running out of time....
Yes, please add me to your beautiful give away !
and visit mine if you still have some time....
#206 - OWOH
Brilliant concept count me in if I'm not too late!
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For people who are learning to draw, teaching drawing or want to enhance creativity, joining a sketching classes in Nagpur is a perfect idea for them.For more details,contact XFactor Nagpur.
Wow!!! Nice and Creative Post... Loved the way you wrote... Thanks for sharing...
Please also check : The Accessories Gallery
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