Get a chance to win my backpacking book!
Joining is REAL easy! Just leave a comment with your email address!
A winner will be picked by random number generator and on February 15, the winner will be announced! I will contact the winner and I will send him or her my backpacking book (signed), a hand carved mask from Palawan and a hand woven table runner from Mindanao!
This is all part of the global blog event: One World One Heart!
Leave a comment NOW! :-)
Hey Kuya Robert :-)
I hope you still remember me. We traveled to UK together for Pilipinas Shell. My kids still idoliZe you. Glad to see that you are still going places. I bought your book before Christmas last year at Papemelroti Southmall and finished it in one sitting. My wife and I would like to follow the route you took -- especially the one that involved Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. We're saving up for the trip which we plan to do by by 2012. I guess we have to do Hongkong and China separately. And yes, though you did not include it in your book, we plan to tour Taiwan too (I've been there once -- all over the Formosa island -- and it was a blast!).
Continue traveling, writing and sketching Kuya Robert!
Fabulous prize and wonderful blog. I envy you so much travelling around the world. One day I shall hopefully be in your shoes :D.
Happy one world one heart from australia!
Hi Kuya Robert! :-) robi here from Canada.. I can still remember when I was still the Philippines whenever I have birthday parties to attend or Christmas parties, I always go @ Papemelroti to buy my gifts :-) I like the bahay na bato sketch in your book :-) -prince_rj_11@hotmail.com....... more power Kuya Robert :-)
Oh my. I have friends from the Phillipines. This is great.
Hi, Kuya Robert! Glad to know your book is printed on recycled paper. We only have one world and we should love, appreciate, and take care of it. Glad you're encouraging others to do just that by showing how beautiful and precious our world is through your travels. More power to you. Keep traveling. :)
Awesome gift! Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing giveaway! Please enter my drawing. I'm #387 on the magic carpet!
I am so delighted to meet all of the wonderful blogs along the Magic Carpet Ride excursion! I am having so much fun meeting new people who are of like kind in so many ways. Your book is beautiful and I would love to be entered in your drawing. Please stop by to enter my beaded bracelet giveaway!
Sharon (#52)
Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for visiting Texifornia and being the first commenter on my One World One Heart event.
Your book looks facinating! I'd love to visit some of the places you have. Hopefully someday!
Great giveaway! Please enter my name! Pop over to my blog (#92 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)
another guy! that's 3 of us out of 744 so far LOL
your sketches are great - and as a hiker and camper, I'd like to read your tips!
thanks for entering my name in your drawing.
I'd love to win!
Thank you for a lovely stop on my magic carpet ride.
Outrageous joy,
Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
#111 on the blog tour!
I am a book lover! Throw my name into the mix for a chance to win yours, please! Cheers, Julie
hi robert! i'm a big fan of your sketches. you're very talented! is your sketch book available in papemelroti? i'm an architect and would love to get a hold of your travel sketches of old houses!
-Fred, your friend in fezbuk :)
What a fabulous book, I love it! Please enter me into your random draw, I would be thrilled to recieve this wonderful creation. Visit me at #398 OWOH event.
i want! i want! i want!!!
hehehe :P
What a great giveaway!
I'm in!
Sama ako diyan! My moleskine is still immaculate, so I hope to win a copy of yours for inspiration! :)
Please put my name in for this giveaway! slavetobeads@gmail.com
i hope i win one this time. thanks
Cool! Thank you so much for your giveaway and please come to my blog and participate in mine #626
Thanks again,
Hello Robert, I'm one of your fans! Heidi.pascual@gmail.com.
Wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway!
OHOW #680/681
Mabuhay, my fellow Filipino :)
What a neat giveaway!!
Please feel free to visit my bloggie (my giveaway has some Tagalog on it).
Very creative entry!
Please enter me! Great giveaway!
http://nelliebugs-swaps.blogspot.com #252 on OWOH, I'm giving away hand-made soaps and a TUTU! :)
hello, fellow mountaineer! awesome book!
Great Give away.. Thanks so much for entering my name for a chance to win..
Hop on the Magic Carpet and fly over to my blog to enter for my prize.(I'm #362) Isn't this fun!
Interesting...love your book...
Hop on over and check out my blog...
Hi Robert
I've always been a fan since your Probe days, when you go on your backpacking trips. I surely would love to have a copy of your book, so please include me in the draw.
thanks and regards,
Hello from Southern California!
What a delightful giveaway. Please count me in.
Thanks for participating in the One World, One Heart Giveaway. This is my first time to participate and I'm finding a lot of inspiration and having fun. (I’m OWOH#336)
sewcalgal {at} live {dot} com
Ohmigosh, what an awesome giveaway! And I thank OWOH because I wouldn't know that you keep a blog :)
Have a great day!
Well count me in, please. It's a unique kind of giveaway, and something I'd use.
Pearl Avenue Studios
Interesting... I took a look around your blog and it seems like you haven't posted in awhile. Done backpacking? Well, it looks like you had a wonderful time!
Visit my blog, too. #501. I think you will like it.
Papemelroti reminds me of my high school days and it was only 3 years ago when I found out that your name was part of it! I have been constantly giving papemelroti items to my friends as gifts and I'm lucky to meet you during the 1st backpacking forum held at trinoma. I also introduced you to "Doraemon", the stuffed toy i brought along during the event and I still have your picture holding Doraemon =P I learned a lot from that forum and you inspired me to travel ala backpacker style!
email addy: ashmallows@gmail.com
I'd like to share with you one of my favorite quotes:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain
oh yes , please sign me up then come enter mine #86
i love the fact that you use bleach-free paper, Robert!
and the drawings are adorable
Ciao Robert!
I don't know where my travels will lead me this time. From Chicago, I came all the way to Europe to do another master's degree. I am now in Bologna, Italy at the heart of the city where bright minds get educated at the oldest university in Europe, the Universita di Bologna. I am doing a program here on Philanthropy and Social Innovation for a year with the hope that I can make a difference in today's society. My purpose can be summed up with the motto, "One world, one heart at a time."
Take care,
If it is from Kuya Robert, it must be good! (gotta luv those sketches :)
I'd love having you book. Thank you
hey kuya robert! been an avid fan since Probe Team days. galing nyo mag drawing. i am a sketch artist too pero mas magaling ka.
keep up the good work!
oh this one's nice hehe...i'd love to have a copy of this Robert...and i just realized ever since i saw the Quad murals when i was young i made a pledge to find the guy who did it...lo and behold i saw you on a 5andUp interview for PaPeMelRoTi, and i've been a fan since then hihi : )
thank you for your sweet comment! I absolutely LOVE your drawings!! Thank you for this amazing giveaway! count me in, xo mendy
Yohoo! is this now my chance to get a copy, finally?! :D
I learned to love trees and became conscious of protecting the environment because of kuya Robert's Papemelroti sketches in the early 90's. Owning this travel book will be such a wonderful, happy, delightful, a lifetime worth of cartwheeling inspiration! It's just not available yet in Davao, though...
Random generator, choose me!!! :D
Fantastic giveaway. Please enter me :)
I'm glad you have this kind of book because it inspire people esp. me :D keep it up robert...
Hello Robert,
Indeed, a traveller your calibre is hard to beat! However, with the Sketching Backpacker, we don't seem intimidated with your challenge to 'go,meet and explore' the countries listed in your book. And even embrace the beauty of each country in the eyes of a backpacker. You have brought backpacking to a notch higher. Now the world isn't so scary to venture anymore, even my 7-year old sees the sketches as a way to go when travelling is being considered in one's life. This is her exact words, 'Mom, if we see the world in pictures like these, they are wonderful places to venture and explore.' So, thank you. With this, we are slowly taking the world in our hands through beautiful sketches done by each member of our family as we travel. Hopefully and God-willing, we will start our giant step in meeting Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam in the next two years!
Kudos and blessings,
Royce and Melody Remorca
Hello Robert,
Indeed, a traveller your calibre is hard to beat! However, with the Sketching Backpacker, we don't seem intimidated with your challenge to 'go,meet and explore' the countries listed in your book. And even embrace the beauty of each country in the eyes of a backpacker. You have brought backpacking to a notch higher. Now the world isn't so scary to venture anymore, even my 7-year old sees the sketches as a way to go when travelling is being considered in one's life. This is her exact words, 'Mom, if we see the world in pictures like these, they are wonderful places to venture and explore.' So, thank you. With this, we are slowly taking the world in our hands through beautiful sketches done by each member of our family as we travel. Hopefully and God-willing, we will start our giant step in meeting Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam in the next two years!
Kudos and blessings,
Royce and Melody Remorca
So Robert, you apparently already own a magic carpet! I seems to take you anywhere in the world. So cool. I love your adventurous spirit and your book looks to be very entertaining. I work at a bookstore and as you may guess: one can NEVER have enough books. Please accept my name for your fabulous giveaway. Tina
Hi Kuya Robert. May I ask if papelmeroti continuously receives old glossy magazines?
Hi Kuya Robert! I have your book already, still waiting to get signed! I wouldn't mind having a second copy and the mask to go with it! =)
I love backpacking! I think it's the best way to travel...when you experience places "on the ground" and get to know the people who live there. And traveling around the Philippines, makes me appreciate our beautiful land and people even more--and I'm always moved to do everything I can to preserve them.:)
I'd love to win your signed book, Palawan mask, and Yakan cloth. mcsantos1@gmail.com
hi robert...
love your backpacking books and your work...
i hope i win your in your draw, hehehe..
Godbless you always...:)
carlo dela cruz
Hi Robert!
I'm Jason, Filipino Expat here in Dubai. I'm a traveller at heart and I'd love to have of your books!
*fingers crossed*
Hi Robert!
I'm Jason, Filipino Expat here in Dubai. I'm a traveller at heart and I'd love to have of your books!
*fingers crossed
Hi Kuya Robert,
Nice blog :) Traveling more is one of my resolutions this year. I'll be crossing my fingers to win these great prizes. Hehe. :D
please add my name
Hi Robert, hope you still remeber me. Wish I can have that book. It'll be a great collection. Here's my email. itsdats@gmail.com
more power to you.
Wow, what generous prizes. Your book looks wonderful and I hope to be your winner so I can examine it better. Thanks for a nice stop.
heard so much about your book/s and am looking forward to grabbing some copies when i finally get to go home to manila later this year (after 11 years)! i certainly want to have them as coffee table or bookshelf must-haves around my house to showcase filipino talent...what makes it more special is that i am proud to have once crossed paths with (the author)...
it's also a wonderful green bonus to know that it was made from recycled paper!
Wow! This is such a cool collection of goodies! That book looks pretty much amazing! And that mask! So neat! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Me likey!
I'm always a sucker for a promo. :) Sige, if I win your book, I will gladly swap backpacking tips with you. I can contribute from experience with my trips in Europe. :)
I'm an artist and you have been an inspiration since i saw on probe team. I still remember the doodles and sketches you created in that program. The most memorable would probably be the one where you sketched on an ostrich egg. That was really amazing!!!
Greetings & Salutations,
Fabulous Perfect Recycled Paper Book OWOH Giveaway!
Fly by my blog when you get a chance...
Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:
Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward
P.S. Earth Day should be everyday. Saving our planet is so important... RIDE ON!
Ey Robert.. really enjoyed your sketches. Keep up the good work and congratulations on your new book. Will get a copy of it.
What a great giveaway, would love to be entered in your draw. Beautiful sketches.
Wow, great giveaway! I want in! :-)
Thanks for offering this great giveaway and Thanks so much for a chance to win! chiggerlane@aol.com
Glad yo visited my blog and what a great giveaway you are offering. Count me in. I'm #736.
What a stunning book. please include me in your draw. my blog is http://paperfanatic.blogspot.com
Thank you for a chance to win such a great offering!!
OWOH #473
I have always wanted to backpack around the world...gueess I will live my adventures through you. Thanks for coming by my blog. Please stay in touch. Oh and sign me up for your giveaway...its amazing.
Smiles- my dad always wanted to travel but never was able.
Sonia 8)
I'm sooo happy the magic carpet brought me by today! Would LOVE an opportunity to win your awesome sketchbook! Hugs, Terri
That is the most fabulous book! I would LOVE to win it!~~~XXOO, Beth
Robert!!!!!!!! I want to win this!!!!!! I really do!!!! You should have done this for our pilgrimage !!! I want to win this!! - Tricia
really nice contest, kuya robert :D
hope to run into you again, one of these days!
- Butch Landingin (your batchmate from UPIS80) email: butchland@gmail.com
Robert, this sounds like a wonderful contest-Its been a Long time since I have been to the PI for family and my heart aches to visit once again.I do hope I have a good chance at this, if not I hope u have another contest again in the future-Thank you in advance Gene Landingin -
Kuya Robert,
You have always been an inspiration to me because of your positive outlook toward life. I am with you as you promote "One World, One Heart."
I want to have that book!!! I am a blogger, traveler, photographer-wannabe and art lover. Having your book as my own is such a great honor; it will definitely inspire me more to live life to the fullest and to share it with others.
here's my e-mail address: nicely.rom@gmail.com. I hope this entry is valid. Thanks mucho!
great giveawy!thanks for stopping at my blog!
Your book looks so fantastic, with all the wonderfull drawings. I will love to win.
And thanks for your sweet visit.
Oh my goodness, your book looks amazing!!! Please enter my name into your wonderful drawing.
Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.
Very cool! Would love to win your book!
Great prize, please count me in! I am so excited to follow your blog!
How nice, I would be honored to win....
Take care,
such a fun give away. Your book looks quite unique and most likely inspiring. Perfect for the NW of Montana where there are so many places to head out into the wild. visit me #66
Your book looks really cool. i love silhouettes and how they can be represented in art.
Such an alluring book.
I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.
WOW!! From one traveler to another, I am extremely impressed by your book! I'd LOVE to read about your adventures! Sign me up!
Please see my giveaways: I'm 107 and 108 on the magic carpet tour~
it has always been my dream to travel... i've never been out of the country... but am very fortunate to have seen places in the philippines, most people have only read in textbooks and seen on televsision... am saving up for my very first trip... destination... sydney... I guess it's about time to branch out... Like Junep, I hope, I too will backpack my way to destinations southeast of asia... Kaya ko to! Now all I need is company... Hahaha... Anything on the book about that? Lol... I do hope to win... I've always been a fan... Uhmm... In case I do, could I get it from you personally... hahaha... para may kasamang picture... Lol... Enjoy living the good life kuya!
here's my e-mail...
Great prize, sort of like a magic carpet too!
hey robert,
i've a copy of the book already. not that i am greedy to covet thy other copy but if i win the prize, i'd like the signed copy dedicated to my 2 week-old son. this is getting ahead but by the time he is seven, my grand plan is to retrace the routes and pit stops of your book. whoa!
happy travels,
Your drawings are amazing. Looks like you are a true world traveler. Can't wait to read this book. My OWOH giveaway is #79 on the magic carpet ride.
what a gorgeous book :) i would love to look through there must be so much inspiration lurking between its pages. thanks for the chance to win!
#822 sewgorgeous.blogspot.com
Thanks for stopping by my blog =D. Please enter my name for your wonderful giveaway! I'm glad to discover your blog. Hugs
this is such a cool idea and i would love to just see more of it. thanks for the giveaway.
hmcnaron at g mail dot com
Wow! How fabulous! I would be thrilled to win! Please enter my name and visit me soon, too! ♥ http://lavenderdreamstoo.blogspot.com/
You are doing what I can only dream about! It must be so amazing. I would love to be the winner of your giveaway, your book looks so intriguing.
You can visit me, too...I'm #365 and #366 on the magic carpet ride!
Those are sketches?!? Your sketches are a lot more precise than my sketches! Badass, if such a word can be applied to sketches. Glad you joined the Ride!
OWOH Ticket Holder #21
Hey, that's a fabulous give-away! Of course I'd love to win your book :-) So please include me in your drawing!
Have fun riding that Magic Carpet!
Greetings from Germany,
Dagmar (#160 on the carpet)
Wow Robert, what a generous giveaway; please count me in, and come visit my blog as well on your magical ride !
I'm a traveller too and would love to win a copy of your backpacker sketchbook. Do drop by and visit me at #704 if you have a minute.
*´*•.¸ ★*´* SUPERB! *´*•★ ¸.•*´*•
Please count me in!
★Rich Witch★
Please visit me for a Most Magical Prize at:
*´*•.¸ ★ ¸.•*´*★•*´*•.¸★¸.•*´*•
A most wonderful prize!
Your backpacking book looks fantastic, with lovely illustrations.
The magic carpet table runner and mask are both so exotically beautiful.
Thank you for hopping aboard this magic carpet ride. I hope you get a chance to visit my blog #258 on your journey.
Thanks for a chance to win!
#877 OWOH
This is GREAT!!! I would love to be the winner! Please include me and come enter my giveaway too!
(#185 A Vintage Cottage Home)
Hi Robert, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love your backpacking book. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gifts. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.
WOW....what amazing giveaways! Thanks for the chance! Grab your carpet and stop at my blog! #792
thank you for the chance to win your wonderful giveaway, please visit mine #772! queendragonfairie at yahoo.com
What a wonderful giveaway! Please enter me in it. I wish I could travel that much too, but I may just travel from home with your book! =D
Thank you and have a lovely day!
marilavado (at) gmail.com
Kuya Idol! I can still remember the art-is-kool days:) Salamats!
what a great giveaway. thanks so much for the opportunity to enter the drawing. so delighted to meet you through this event. I hope you'll stop by my blog as well.
Your book sounds brilliant, plus exotic treasures, how can I resist?! Please count me in, and don't forget to drop by my blog and join my OWOH giveaway, I'm # 592! :)
Hello Roberts - I'd love a copy of your book and what a truly global gift you are offering. Please put my name in your hat.
Greetings from Wales.
Great giveaway and would love to be entered! :)
I want to win this so badly! I'm going to be praying. :) - Joy Campilan. badger8hen@yahoo.com
I am reading a lot of blogs pertaining to backpacking within Southeast Asia and I accidentally saw your posts.. I wonder how that 50k fit your travel style. Need to have that book.. Hope I'll win. LOL - roy_conrad@yahoo.com
Traveling and drawing - two of my very favorite ways to pass the time!
I think that your book looks awesome!! I am looking forward to visiting again;)
Oh yes, please enter me in your lovely giveaway, I would so love to win!! If you haven't already, make sure you come by and enter mine as well, I'm #116. Thank you:-) xox
count me in! you'll save on postage if i win, he, he!
Your sketches are really fantastic. The world is full of amazing places and people. Thank you so much for sharing your gift.
Great giveaway... please enter me in your drawing. If you are in the mood, pop over to my blog- I'm #983 on the magic carpet ride!!
Great giveaway!! Please enter me and be sure to enter my blog for a chance to win!
awesome giveaway, please count me in.
When you get a chance, fly by my blog on your magic carpet, I am OWOH #907.
Thank you so much for participating in OWOH.
It is so very very nice to meet you.
count me in :)
im dying to have an autographed book by R.A!
Hi Robert I'm cristina & at 25 had been into thailand & recently kl & singapore but i would really like to try the hanoi nanning china trip that you did i do hope i do get to win your book it would be a great help to me in pursuing that trip all the best
hi robert I'm cristina & at 12 I would like to do the hanoi - nanning trip that you did cheers cristinacarreon@msn.com
great give away i'd love to read your book
Amazing giveaways -- I would LOVE to own your book. Since we are arm chair travelers, we have sent my daughter's Beanie Baby, Peace Bear, around the world to visit friends & relatives & documenting her trip on her own blog, www.peacebeartour.blogspot.com -- it's just too much fun. Visit me (#874) for an Angel Card Reading giveaway.
What a fabulous giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance to win! (I'm #811)
Great gift- I would love to be an armchair traveler. Please add my name to your generous giveaway and I hope you are having as much fun as I am, hopping from blog to blog, checking out all these creative people.
me! me! me! i want one. :)
kuya idol! i want one. will gladly give you one of my new mugs in return even if not warranted.
kuya robert.. i just hope i'll win this time :P i sooo wanna read your book :P
i just wish the computer would pick me :P i really want to have your book kuya robert! :P more power!
pls pls pls i would really love to have your book :P pls pls good ol pc.. pls pick me :P
pick me! pick me! :P
more power Robert! God Speed. dlsbatch804@yahoo.com
me!!!! :P
one world one heart :P hope you'll give me a chance to have this wonderful book :P more power!! :P
Hi Kuya Robert! :-)
It would be an HONOR to win your book. Here's wishing you more backpacking adventures to sketch! :-)
I would love to win your book. I would share it with a backpacking friend. Thanks
What a fabulous prize! Please enter me!
Congrats on your new book. Can't wait to see and read it. Regards and take care from a friend from your old Vancouver, BC home.
Great! Thanks for this beautiful giveaway. I hope I win. Long live OWOH:)
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
Snowball's chance in hell, but here's hoping! :) Keep blogging -- there are a lot of us here who enjoy seeing the world through your eyes.
Wow, what an amazing offering!
Drop in and say hi over at #420 http://msnovembertuesday.blogspot.com if you'd like.
Dear Robert...hello from Indonesia :)
Interesting giveaway!
Please count me in...
And do pop by my home to see what I put on my magic carpet!*wink
I am no.950.
Have a safe ride!
very unusual giveaway. Plese count me in!
Would love to win your wonderful book of drawings. Please count me in.
Hello Robert from Victoria, Australia.
What a wonderful giveaway. I love the sketchings, you are very talented.
Please enter me into the draw.
Thanks Lynda
This is great! Please count me in!
I love your book! Thank you for your generous giveaway. I hope you are enjoying the carpet ride too! Please be sure to visit my blog at #833! Rebecca in Connecticut, USA
Hi Robert!What a wonderful life you have and what a cool way to live vicariously through your book and sketches!
With lots of love from Tennessee USA #1035
What a beautiful book. I love it. I'm dreaming of traveling one day.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
G’day Robert
Thanks for offering such great giveaways…
Please count me in…
Come have a gander at My Place #747
OOroo… Bethel
What a great and unique giveaway. I would love a chance to win,
would love to win your book. Me and hubby love to travel and go to beaches. we are both divers and met through that hobby. I love Palawan and most especially El Nido. will be reading more of your blog.
What a terrific book you have for a gift. I'd be thrilled to get such a gift from you. Your giveaway is terrific! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing! Thanks for participating in the OWOH event.
visionquest2020 (at) msn (dot) com
What a fantastic picture of the fella on the magic carpet.
What a very unique giveaway,wonderfulbook!
Please toss my name in the hat!
I am NEW to blogging (http://piecesoffatesusan.blogspot.com/) but not to art.
Come visit me #1089
Greetings from the New Jersey Shore, USA
Please sign me up! What cool giveaways! And please check out my blog for more OWOH action.
-Rita #934
FABULOUS offering!! Please enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event...enjoy the ride!!
Angie--Southeast, Texas #57
Hello from the north of 60°, land of the midnight sun and Aurora Borealis. I hope that you are enjoying ride on the magical carpet as much as I do. Please enter my name in your draw.
Yes please, I would love to reaad your book, I backpacked Europe in the 80's now my daughter is 19 and looking to go this summer possibly to the Philippines (we have family there). Thanks for the chance to win such a personal gift.
Your book is just lovely!! I would love to win, please enter my name into your drawing! And if you haven't already, please enter mine #135 to win 1 of 3 prizes!!!
Thank you, and nice meeting you!
Peace & Love from New Zealand...
Your book looks great! I always carry a little travel-journal with me when I travel too. a small home-made pack of watercolors, and an ink-pen. It´s such a good way to reflect on what one is experiencing, instead of just rushing head-on to the next thing, and ending up with a more shallow day. You are most welcome to visit my blog and enter my giveaway. Have a nice day!
What a lovely giveaway! I would love to win your wonderful travel book. Please count me in!
*smiles from Canada*
WOW! My son and I would love to split your gift if I won. Thanks for offering such wonderful gifts!
Beth #989
What an awesome giveaway! I would love to win.
Fantastic giveaway. I would love a chance to win. Please enter me.
How pretty. I would love to be entered into you drawing. So glad OWOH brought me to your blog. :-)
Lovely stuff! Please visit my giveaway if you haven't been there yet.
Awesome! I think I remember you from last year, too? Please count me in. Thanks so much!
#273 on the Magic Carpet tour (southwest Florida, USA)
Hi Robert,
You chose fantatic prizes. Thanks for the chance to win such goodies. :)
If a glass bead necklace sounds good, you might want to visit my blog. It would be a pleasure to welcome you there. :)
Greetings from Munich,
# 849
Oh my what lovely images! Please include me in the draw :)
I hope I'm not too late. I would love a chance to win.
Sophie in Montreal, Canada
Wow, this looks like an exciting prize, I really like the look of your book :) I hope I'm not too late to enter, thanks for the chance!
#711 on the list
I'm Stephanie Abrantes. An artist. And as an artist, I love to see the world - the beautiful architectures,interesting cultures and masterfully painted scenes/views. I hope, even through this book/price, I'll have a picture of that WONDERFUL WORLD. doinks_art@hotmail.com
Great giveaway - thanks so much for participating in OWOH :)
misaacmom at gmail dot com
#752 OWOH ticket holder
Please enter my name. :0) I am also having a giveaway and would love for you to stop by if you have not already. #1025
great prize! please enter me in your giveaway!
found out about your travel sketches via your blog of illustrations of thesartorialist photos. your sketches has gave me a lot of ideas on how to incorporate other things that i love to do into art. i can't wait to also travel the world once i graduate. really amazed by your work. :)
I would love to win!
I am a fan of your works and of course Papemelroti. I would love to win and own this one. Thanks for bringing the opportunity.
Have a great day ahead!
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